Aera 22 Advisors Limited Public Disclosure

Aera 22 Advisors Limited (FSP1007924) is a Financial Advice Provider that holds a licence issued by the Financial Markets Authority (FMA) to provide financial advice services.

You can find Aera 22 Advisors Limited listed on the Financial Service Providers Register at

The conditions of our licence allow us to provide financial advice services related to our specialist area of home lending only.
Home Lending
Aera 22 Advisors Limited works with you to determine your home lending needs and works with the banks and lenders to recommend the lending products and solutions that best fit your circumstances and requirements.
Providers Aera 22 Advisors Limited works with
Aera 22 Advisors Limited works with the following banks and lending institutions:
  • ANZ
  • ASB
  • BNZ
  • SBS
How we are paid
In place of an upfront fee, Aera 22 Advisors Limited is paid a commission by the providers for arranging the lending on your behalf.
How we manage conflicts of interest and put your interests first
The services Aera 22 Advisors Limited offer are provided free of charge to our clients.  This is because Aera 22 Advisors Limited is paid by the providers when one of their products is taken up on the back of our recommendation.

Although we are paid by the providers, we always put your interests first:
  • We follow a proven 6-step advice process that puts our clients needs at the heart of the advice process
  • We identify and disclose the maximum level of commission we may get on the back of our recommendation
  • All our recommendations are provided in writing with an explanation as to how they are based on your individual needs
  • Aera 22 Advisors Limited completes internal and external reviews of our advisors' process to ensure we follow a thorough review process that puts client interest first.
Under the Financial Markets Conduct Act 2013, it is the duty of Aera 22 Advisors Limited to ensure we:
  • Meet the standards of competence, knowledge, and skill set out in the Code of Professional Conduct for Financial Advice Services (Code of Conduct), which form part of the wider regulatory regime for financial advice and ensure we have the expertise necessary to provide you with advice; and
  • Give priority to your interests by taking all reasonable steps to ensure that the advice given to you is not materially influenced by our own interests or the interests of any other person connected with the giving of advice; and
  • Exercise care, diligence, and skill that a prudent person engaged in the occupation of giving related financial advice would in the same circumstances; and
  • Meet the standards of ethical behaviour, conduct, and client care set out in the Code of Conduct, to treat you as we should and to provide you with suitable advice
What if something goes wrong
We value the ability of our clients to provide feedback about the service they have received as well as the opportunity to put it right when they are unhappy with our services. If you would like to raise a complaint about the service you have received, we have an internal complaint process that we will follow when we receive your formal complaint.

Our internal process involves:
  • Requesting your complaint in writing
  • Acknowledging the receipt of your complaint within 2 working days of receiving it.
  • Investigating your concerns by speaking with all the involved parties and reviewing all the documentation we hold on file.
  • Providing a formal written response within 28 days of acknowledging your concerns.
If you would like to make a complaint, please email:
If you are unsatisfied with the outcome of our internal complaints process, and we cannot resolve your complaint using our internal complaints resolution process, you can contact our dispute resolution scheme as follows:

Scheme Name: Financial Services Complaints Limited
Address: PO Box 5697, Wellington 6140
Telephone Number: 0800 347 257
Email Address:
They are an independent dispute resolution service provider that helps resolve complaints aboutfinancial service providers, free of charge