Get a personal first home finder.

Houses. You want it, they’ll find it.

10k Headstart

We know what you’re looking for.

Your first home is your ‘today’ home.

When we often think about our first home, we picture our third home. 

It’s good to have those dreams, we just want you to achieve them.

A brand new home means you don’t need as high a deposit. 

These homes are in good areas. And we work directly with quality builders. 

They’re built for first home buyers, providing everything you need.

You want to get onto the property ladder and build up your equity as fast as you can. 

Then start to look for house number two.

Grow your homes as you grow.

New homes only need a 10% deposit.

Buying a new house instantly halves what you need to save for a first home deposit, as it only takes 10%. A used home requires a 20% deposit.

Why shoot for twice as much when you can shoot for half? Remind yourself, a first home is your today home. It’s to get your foot in the front door of the home market. It’s achievable and can lead to your second home as you grow.

At Aera we work directly with brand new developments, getting you in on the ground floor.

$10k towards your deposit.

This could be ⅕ of your first home deposit. How awesome is that? 

Working with Aera is a partnership, one that benefits you in a number of ways. 

One of the key benefits is reducing the amount you need to save for a deposit. 

We can contribute up to $10,000 towards it. 

And depending on how much you need, that’s a fair chuck off it taken care of. 

It’s all thanks to an industry innovation, Aera Credits.

Today is the day to get your first home.


Get the Aera app to unlock your first $500 now.

“Aera and Michael Liew were absolutely fantastic on helping me achieve my first home. Michael especially made the entire process go so smoothly.”

– Michael Hay

Frequently asked questions

What houses do they find?

Our first Home Finders work with the major home builders in the country. They know what new builds and developments are coming up, what’s getting built at present and what is about to go on the market.

We specialise in finding our members new builds as you only need a 10% deposit for one and it’s much more straight forward than buying a used home

What if I don't like the homes found?

Working with a First Home Coach will change the way you see first homes. Once you change your perspective on what a first home is, you’ll love the options provided. But you aren’t forced to use us, it’s an optional service. You can still save with Aera, or use our bank fit coaches without choosing to use Aera to find your home. But why wouldn’t you?

What if i find my own home?

You can find your own home, but the best way to fasttrack your deposit with $10,000 of Aera Credits is finding a home through Aera. We get paid through commissions that we split with you. If you go through a real estate agent, they’ll get the commission and keep all of it. If you see something you like, always talk to your First Home Coach first, so we can act on your behalf before agents get involved and share that money with you.

As seen in...

Business Is Boring: Derek Handley's new non-bank bank for aspiring homeowners.

“I would recommend Aera to everyone who is looking to buy their first home. They are here to help us out.”

– Vivek and natasha

“I have just started with Aera but definitely worth commenting on how prompt their customer services team is. Kudos!”

– kaveri

How much can I borrow?
What's a First home finder?
Am I too late to Join?
What are Aera Credits?

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